BDSIC 2020 was successfully held online during 3-5 December, 2020!
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, after careful consideration, in light of the global health emergency and the travel restrictions, BDSIC 2020 was special arranged into online conference, so that delegates can participate in the video conference under a safe, productive and well-attended atmosphere. During the conference, Prof. Gou Jin from Huaqiao University, China did the Opening Remarks and Prof. Hui Tian chaired the morning session. The delegates from USA, Japan, Philippines, Germany, China, Canada and so on participated and presented in the conference. Benjamin Smith from University of Victoria, Canada, Deepak Rai from Tokai University, Japan, Ruba Skaik from University of Ottawa, Canada, Elhard Kumalija from University of Hyogo, Japan and Seamus Lankford from Dublin City University, Ireland get the Best Presentation. In addition, many researchers, engineers, academicians as well as industrial professionals from all over the world have presented their research results and development activities. Thank all for the support and coming.
March 20, 2021 News! The 2020 conference proceedings has been indexed by EI compendex and Scopus.
February 2,2021 News! The BDSIC 2020 proceedings is archived in the ACM Digital Library.
Group Photos
Keynote Speakers
Title: Applying De-Clustering Concept to Information Hiding
Prof. Chin-Chen Chang, Feng Chia University, Taiwan
Title: On Recent Developed Power Assist Suits
Prof. Chiharu Ishii, Hosei University, Japan
Title: Tampering Detection and
Content Recovery for Digital Images
Prof. Chuan Qin, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, China
Best Presentations
Session 1
Title: Ship Detection in Satellite Optical Imagery
Benjamin Smith, University of Victoria, Canada
Session 2
Title: Simplified Deep Learning Architecture for Text Recognition from Natural Scene
Deepak Rai, Tokai University, Japan
Session 3
Title: Using Twitter Social Media for Depression Detection in the Canadian Population
Ruba Skaik, University of Ottawa, Canada
Session 4
Title: Live Monitoring of Speech Quality of Public Addressing Network Speakers: A Preliminary Study
Elhard Kumalija, Graduate School of Applied Informatics, University of Hyogo, Japan
Session 5
Title: Effective Tuning of Regression Models using an Evolutionary Approach: A Case Study
Seamus Lankford, Adapt Centre, Dublin City University, Ireland